Ticket to Ride (bilingual)
Ticket to Ride – Nou beskikbaar in ‘n tweetalige weergawe!
With dozens of international awards and over 6 Million games sold, the Ticket to Ride series is one of the most popular modern board game series to date!
R999.99 (incl VAT)
Ticket to Ride – Nou beskikbaar in ‘n tweetalige weergawe!
With dozens of international awards and over 6 Million games sold, the Ticket to Ride series is one of the most popular modern board game series to date!
With elegantly simple gameplay, Ticket to Ride can be learned in under 15 minutes. Players collect cards of various types of train cars they then use to claim railway routes in North America. The longer the routes, the more points they earn. Additional points come to those who fulfil Destination Tickets – goal cards that connect distant cities; and to the player who builds the longest continuous route.
This edition contains both English and Afrikaans instructions.
Leer om Ticket to Ride te speel in minder as 15 minute, te danke aan elegante, eenvoudige spel reëls. Spelers versamel kaarte van verskillende soorte treinwaens wat hulle dan gebruik om spoorroetes in Noord-Amerika op te eis. Hoe langer die roetes, hoe meer punte verdien hulle. Bykomende punte word toegeken aan diegene wat Bestemmingskaartjies vervul – doelskaarte wat die verre stede verbind; en aan die speler wat die langste aaneenlopende roete bou.
Hierdie uitgawe bevat instrUKsies in Engels sowel as Afrikaans.
Additional information
Barcode | 824968225011 |
Players | 2 to 5 |
Ages | 8 and up |
Duration | 60 mins |
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