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  • New from the publishers of various best-selling learner and driver manuals, Just the Test is perfect for anyone wanting to put in some additional practice before taking the learner’s test. With over 160 questions ranging from Rules of the Road, Warning signs, Informati on signs and Road surface markings to Vehicle controls, Motorcycles and Regulatory signs, you will be fully accustomed to the style of questi ons employed in the actual learner’s licence test once you have completed this test a few times. Where necessary, to aid the learning process questi ons are accompanied by full-colour road signs and markings. It also includes a handy section on the learner’s licence test requirements, licence codes and electronic testing.
  • Home Gardener: Bonsai

    R150.00 (incl VAT)
    Bonsai, the practice of growing miniaturized trees in shallow containers, can transform even the tiniest outdoor space into a beautiful landscape, or create points of interest both indoors and out. The selection of plants that can be developed into bonsai ranges from conifers, maples and bamboos to leafy and flowering trees and shrubs, and hardy indigenous species that are adapted to local conditions. With its wealth of sound advice and helpful tips, this book will guide novices through their first steps, as well as offer new ideas and insight to experienced practitioners of this captivating botanical art.
  • The fourth edition of this popular title has been given a completely new look, but it remains the same practical illustrated guide that is a must-have for all gardeners. The text has been updated to incorporate more indigenous species, locally bred hybrids, and waterwise plants, in keeping with changing trends that recognize the importance of gardening in harmony with the natural environment. The bulk of the book comprises directories that describe over 2000 plants (trees, shrubs, perennials, annuals, creepers, bulbs, grasses and roses) with each entry accompanied by symbols that depict the ideal growing conditions, such as water and sun requirements, hardiness to frost, and whether the plant is deciduous, evergreen or flowering. A brief introduction covers garden planning and design, maintenance, and how to deal with pests and diseases
  • Striped Crochet Blankets

    R200.00 (incl VAT)
    Join Haafner Linssen on a journey into the world of crocheting stripes. These patterns are relaxing to create (taking readers into a state of what psychologists call ‘flow’), work up quickly and without lots of ends to sew in. Patterns for 20 beauti ful striped blankets are included, from simple patterns that use only the most basic stitches to more complex creations that use less commonly known stitches. Each project comes with a written pattern, chart, colour advice and instructions for making it in a variety of sizes. All the basic crochet techniques are clearly explained. The blanket stripes are solid, textured and cabled, lacy, diagonal, chevron, intricate and eclectic. A chapter of bonus projects include potholders, tea towels, pillows, wall hangings, bedspreads and rugs.
  • House Plans 2

    R400.00 (incl VAT)
    One of the more appealing ways to obtain the house of your dreams is to buy a stand and have it built according to your own requirements. South African House Plans 2 is a book for people who plan to build their homes or just wish to browse for ideas. It features 121 house plans ranging from 45 to 566 m2 and contains many different architectural styles. The inclusion of 3D renderings differentiates this title from the first and provides a novel way for builders to better envision their future home. The plans are aimed at the local market and comply with South African building regulations and conditions. All the plans have been designed by qualified and, in some instances, award-winning architects. The plans featured in the title can be purchased on the website
  • Are you a woman who has had a lifelong struggle with your weight and tried many different diets unsuccessfully? Do you struggle with yo-yo dieting and emotional eating and do not want a programme that is too restrictive or hard to follow? Do you suffer from type 2 diabetes or are you insulin resistant? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then Your 12-week Body & Mind Transformation is for you! This is not a diet book. Instead, this hands-on, practical guide offers a permanent lifestyle change that will help you correct your eating habits by changing your mindset to achieve the results you want. Spread over 12 weeks, this easy-to-follow programme will teach you how to embark on a life-changing journey one step, and one day, at a time. Each week features a healthy, nourishing and delicious meal plan that is low in sugar, quick and easy to prepare, and suitable for the whole family to enjoy. The book is also full of practical tips, advice and weekly homework tasks to help you identify what is holding you back mentally and emotionally. Shopping and swap-out lists are included too, as are weekly exercises that are easy to do at home, with links to online video demonstrations. With its focus on a low sugar intake and intermittent fasting, which has proven to be the best and most effective method to boost weight loss, improve the immune system and rebalance hormones, Your 12-week Body & Mind Transformation will help you overcome emotional eating and forever put a stop to yo-yo dieting.
  • Anti-ageing Tissue Salts

    R220.00 (incl VAT)
    Tissue salts are minerals that our bodies need to ensure optimal health. They are found in the Earth’s rocks and soil, and in food that is grown organically in mineral-rich soil. Considered to be the basic constituents of our bones, blood, organs and muscles, they are easily absorbed by the human body, with no side-effects. In this book, Margaret Roberts draws on decades of experience to advise readers on using the 12 key tissue salts to slow the ageing process, promote vitality and enhance health. Each tissue salt is presented in its own chapter, with tips on treating specific ailments; and advice on increasing the intake of the salts through the diet. An ailment chart is included for quick reference. An indispensable guide for anyone interested in health, wellness, and using natural remedies to ease the effects of ageing.
  • Tissue Salts for Children

    R170.00 (incl VAT)
    The 12 key tissue salts are minerals that should be present in our bodies in per fect balance to ensure optimal health. These remarkable salts are found in the Earth’s rocks and soil, and in food grown organically in mineral-rich soil. In this follow-up to Tissues Salts for Health Living, Margaret Roberts focuses on using tissue salts to enhance the development and wellbeing of children, from infancy to the teenage years. Each tissue salt is presented in its own chapter, with tips on treating specific ailments and advice on increasing the intake of the salts by means of diet. An ailment chart is included for quick reference. An indispensable guide for anyone interested in health, wellness, and using natural remedies to enhance wellbeing.
  • Since 1984 when the very first edition of The South African what flower is that? was published, this book has been the reference of choice for South African gardeners (or aspiring gardeners) in flower identification. This new fourth edition has finally appeared, 15 years after the death of original author, Professor Kristo Pienaar. Not only has it been adapted for Southern Africa (and reflected as such in the current title), but the alphabetical arrangement has been rearranged according to family name first, followed by genus, also alphabetically. Naturally, all the latest family delimitations, as well as changes in species name according to current taxonomic studies are featured. Additional common names are included, as well as icons indicating 'waterwise' and 'invasive species' characteristics. All in all The Southern African what flower is that? remains a comprehensive and informative reference for anyone who loves to grow garden- and house-plants, but doesn't always know much about them, or who needs to identify a favourite or a new cultivar. Approximately 1600 annuals, perennials, shrubs, trees and vines commonly found in Southern African gardens, parks and roadsides are easily identified by superb full-colour photographs. The accompanying text is brief, but details each plant’s origin, appearance, how, when and where to plant it and even how it can be propagated. Clear informative icons tell the reader at a glance of a plant's needs, whether it is sun or shade loving and much more.
  • In this uniquely Southern African book, Carl Morrow and Keith Kirsten guide readers step by step into the magical realms of bonsai as a hobby, horticultural practice and art form. The contents reflect the natural progression most people follow as their interest grows, and includes keeping your first tree or two alive and thriving, the basic techniques and skills to shape your trees and add to your collection, and the advanced skills and underlying philosophy needed for advancing in the art. This edition has been revised and updated in both content and illustrative material. The species list at the end of the book is a guide to popular trees in the Southern African bonsai context and is illustrated for ease of identification. Bonsai success in Southern Africa is the perfect 'teacher' for those making their first foray into this fascinating and rewarding art, as well as for more experienced bonsai growers.
  • What do you get when you add a little Italian, a little South African and a whole lot of love? A legacy of classic yet contemporary dishes from the Café del Sol family kitchen. Chiara and Ryan have transferred the treasured memories of both their nonnas, as well as their mama, Luciana, to the tables of Café del Sol, and now this cookbook. Basking in a combined Italian and South African heritage, this family knows how to put their heart and soul into presenting the most scrumptious food to their guests, and now you, the reader. From colazione (breakfast) and antipasto (appetisers), through primo (pasta and risotto) and secondo (main courses), to desserts and cocktails... we challenge you to page through this book without your appetite roaring to life! So step into the kitchen with the Café del Sol famiglia and delight your family and friends by making these dishes in the comfort of your home. Create your own legacy of love with these contemporary Italian recipes. Buon appetito!
  • A wildly entertaining and practical cookbook filled with shortcuts and permission to do it your own way, by Donna Hay’s right-hand woman. As Donna herself says: ‘Lucy has a special gift. Everything she touches turns to magical, sparkling loveliness.’ Some days you want to cook; other days the goal is simply ‘food in mouths’. Welcome to Every Night of the Week, a cookbook for people who don’t like hard-and-fast recipes, by food and recipe writer, stylist and Instagram genie Lucy Tweed.
  • Kind Kitchen

    R250.00 (incl VAT)
    The Kind Kitchen is not just the title of a cookbook, or the name of a restaurant, it embodies a way of living for Jay Mac. As he says: “We don’t have a Planet B to call home! This one is all we have, and we have the power to change the way we treat mother earth through the foods we choose to eat.” Being vegan doesn’t have to mean a lifetime of lentils and lettuce leaves. Jay’s innovative and imaginative recipes reimagine all your favourite dishes, from mac ‘n cheese, chicken wings, burritos, bao buns and maki rolls, to burgers and bunny chow. When it comes to sweet treats, he has adapted family favourites, such as milk tart, pumpkin fritters and cheesecake to be dairy free, while his smoothies and plant-based milks mean less reliance on store-bought products. Jay Mac has mastered the art of turning mushrooms into chicken, carrots into lox, celeriac into fish and beetroot into burgers, as well as the even darker art of making meat from wheat.
  • Curried

    R450.00 (incl VAT)
    This joyful homage to one of the world’s most beloved and versatile dishes – the curry – is Inspired by the author’s memories of the slow-cooked Cape Malay curries of her childhood, as well as the fast-paced landscape of the Middle East, where she now lives. Curried embodies a culinary curiosity and global consciousness for the times. Mindful of both environmental responsibility and affordability, Cariema celebrates the nourishing comfort of pulses and legumes in a multitude of wholesome and delicious vegetarian curries for everyday cooking. For special occasions, there are meat and seafood curries from around the globe. Rice and condiments are not overlooked, and there is also a selection of breads, as well as delectable desserts. Cariema’s love of writing is evident on every page, making this carefully-crafted and beautifully-photographed book both a pleasure to read as well as to cook from.
  • Author Estelle Sacharowitz reveals that she thinks about food all the time. ‘And as I wonder what it’s all about, and why I do what I do, I realise that it’s all about us. It’s about you, it’s about me, it’s about people. It’s about our complexities, memories and sweetness. It’s about trying to capture time in a form that is familiar, comforting and definite … It’s about creativity and curiosity. It’s about needs, primal and necessary, and also emotional.’ And as a magician waving a wand, Estelle distils this into an array of dishes that feed both body and soul in the most delightful and tempting manner. From humble but comforting soups, through nourishing bowls and elegant meals to impress, to bountiful platters, you won’t be able to resist. Simply submit and enjoy. And as Estelle says, ‘Make and eat something that causes you to stop and think, this is wonderful. Life is full of wonder.’
  • Eating well should be one of life’s pleasures but, for many people, this is not the case. Struggles with weight, nutrition-related health issues and low self-esteem can result in food being condemned as an ‘enemy’, to be conquered at all cost. Nicci Robertson understands, and she uses her personal experience to guide readers towards improved health and wellbeing by taking a different approach to nutrition. In Thrive, she explains how to exchange bad habits for better ones, recognise and eliminate stress factors that can contribute to lifestyle diseases, and understand the role that proteins, carbs, fats, fibre and water play in keeping us healthy. She also unpacks some common nutrition facts and myths. Her message is clear throughout: when you eat the right foods in the right quantities, your body will respond positively and you will thrive both physically and mentally. The book includes over 80 mouthwatering family-friendly recipes that are packed with flavour and nutritionally balanced. Whether your goal is weight-loss or improved health, Nicci’s recipes will have you rethinking the concept of ‘diet food’ and heading for the kitchen with enthusiasm!


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