• When it feels as if your days are filled with challenges and you wonder how you will rise above your circumstances, Nina Smit offers renewed hope through short devotions that will remind you that you can always depend on the Lord. He is the One who will lift you up, inspire you and give you hope for the future. No matter what you are facing as a mom, wife, grandmother or businesswoman, with the Lord you will always have hope. You can always trust Him to help you overcome the obstacles in your path. Take a few moments at the start or end of your day to quieten your heart and reconnect with the Lord's. Perfect for quiet time, or any time for that matter, You Can Trust God: 90 Reflections of Hope, Large Print is the perfect pick-me-up to remind you God's unending love and faithfulness.
  • Die Vrugte van die Gees is ’n kinderboek wat gebaseer is op die vrugte van die Gees in Galasiërs 5:22–23 in die Bybel: “Maar die vrug wat die Gees voortbring, is: liefde, vreugde, vrede, geduld, vriendelikheid, goedheid, getrouheid, sagmoedigheid en selfbeheersing”. Hierdie reeks bestaan uit drie boeke wat elkeen drie spesifieke vrugte van die Gees weergee. Elke boek bevat ’n storie, Bybelstorie, Bybelles, gebed, Bybelvers en ’n praktiese uitdaging vir elke spesifieke vrug in die boek. Al die boeke is helder en kleurvol gedruk.
  • Delivery time 5-7 working days Die Verklarende Studiebybel is ’n omvattende Studiebybel gebaseer op die 1933/1953-vertaling van die Bybel in Afrikaans. Twee vooraanstaande teoloë het die verklarende notas, temas, tekskritiese inligting en inleidings tot die Bybelboeke redaksioneel versorg om te verseker dat dié inligting die Bybel getrou ontsluit en in ooreenstemming is met die nuutste Bybelkundige insigte.
  • Delivery time 5-7 working days Die Verklarende Studiebybel is ’n omvattende Studiebybel gebaseer op die 1933/1953-vertaling van die Bybel in Afrikaans. Twee vooraanstaande teoloë het die verklarende notas, temas, tekskritiese inligting en inleidings tot die Bybelboeke redaksioneel versorg om te verseker dat dié inligting die Bybel getrou ontsluit en in ooreenstemming is met die nuutste Bybelkundige insigte.
  • Delivery time 5-7 working days Die Verklarende Studiebybel is ’n omvattende Studiebybel gebaseer op die 1933/1953-vertaling van die Bybel in Afrikaans. Twee vooraanstaande teoloë het die verklarende notas, temas, tekskritiese inligting en inleidings tot die Bybelboeke redaksioneel versorg om te verseker dat dié inligting die Bybel getrou ontsluit en in ooreenstemming is met die nuutste Bybelkundige insigte.
  • Delivery time 5-7 working days Die Verklarende Studiebybel is ’n omvattende Studiebybel gebaseer op die 1933/1953-vertaling van die Bybel in Afrikaans. Twee vooraanstaande teoloë het die verklarende notas, temas, tekskritiese inligting en inleidings tot die Bybelboeke redaksioneel versorg om te verseker dat dié inligting die Bybel getrou ontsluit en in ooreenstemming is met die nuutste Bybelkundige insigte.
  • Delivery time 5-7 working days Die Verklarende Studiebybel is ’n omvattende Studiebybel gebaseer op die 1933/1953-vertaling van die Bybel in Afrikaans. Twee vooraanstaande teoloë het die verklarende notas, temas, tekskritiese inligting en inleidings tot die Bybelboeke redaksioneel versorg om te verseker dat dié inligting die Bybel getrou ontsluit en in ooreenstemming is met die nuutste Bybelkundige insigte.
  • Delivery time 5-7 working days Die Verklarende Studiebybel is ’n omvattende Studiebybel gebaseer op die 1933/1953-vertaling van die Bybel in Afrikaans. Twee vooraanstaande teoloë het die verklarende notas, temas, tekskritiese inligting en inleidings tot die Bybelboeke redaksioneel versorg om te verseker dat dié inligting die Bybel getrou ontsluit en in ooreenstemming is met die nuutste Bybelkundige insigte.
  • Delivery time 5-7 working days Die Verklarende Studiebybel is ’n omvattende Studiebybel gebaseer op die 1933/1953-vertaling van die Bybel in Afrikaans. Twee vooraanstaande teoloë het die verklarende notas, temas, tekskritiese inligting en inleidings tot die Bybelboeke redaksioneel versorg om te verseker dat dié inligting die Bybel getrou ontsluit en in ooreenstemming is met die nuutste Bybelkundige insigte.
  • The most fundamental flaw in society is fatherlessness. It is time to delve into the roots of this problem in ourselves and in our communities. It is time to recognize the impact of father wounds in our own lives. Some of those wounds have created hell on earth, not heaven. It is time to seriously take up the responsibility of fatherhood so that the sins of our fathers will not continue to destroy God’s marvelous intention for our lives. It is the time to recognize how a world suffers when Father God is not taken seriously and when His ways are not transferred by His image bearers.
  • The NKJV Holy Bible is offered in this larger print, affordable edition for personal and ministry use including book introductions, plan of salvation, and 10 pt. font size. The NKJV Holy Bible is offered in this larger print, affordable edition for personal and ministry use including book introductions, plan of salvation, and 10 pt. font size.
  • Delivery time 5-7 working days A new edition of the Bible interweaves the biblical text and passages with commentary, notes, prayers, annotations, and everyday life articles.
  • We live helter-skelter lives; each day we are pulled here and there by circumstances, both good and bad. We feel as if we are living at the mercy of events beyond our control. We long for peace, for a safe, serene and secure place where we can be at rest. In response to this search for peace, beloved author and minister Trevor Hudson reminds readers of the Serenity Prayer—a simple prayer that most of us know by heart: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.This 365-day devotional carefully unpacks the meaning of each part of the prayer and how to apply it to our lives. As we let the Serenity Prayer show us how to live each day in friendship with our Lord and Creator, God’s gift of peace will grow and fill us to overflowing. Seeking Serenity—a practical suggestion at the end of each day’s devotion—will also help the reader put this prayer into practice, and begin to develop the clear life-focus that brings the peace our hearts long for.
  • The Fruits of the Spirit is a children’s book series based on the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22–23 in the Bible: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control”. This series is made up of three books, each depicting three specific fruits of the Spirit. Each book contains a story, Bible story, Bible lesson, prayer, Bible verse and a practical application challenge for each specific fruit in the book. All the books are bold and bright.
  • With full-fledged study content at an ultra-affordable pricepoint, this Bible is perfect for discipleship and outreach ministries, as well as new Christians and seekers who desire to learn more about the Bible. Wouldn't it be great if there was a Bible that was affordable, easy-to-share, and had enough study content and helpful features to help those who are new to Scripture navigate its pages easily? The NKJV Outreach Bible, Study Edition meets those needs, making it the perfect study Bible for outreach and discipleship settings alike. With the full text of the trusted and best-selling New King James Version, this Bible offers new believers and seekers the features and study helps they need to gain a better understanding of God's Word.
  • Oorvloedige liefde – Grootdruk bevat 365 dagstukkies deur die immergewilde Nina Smit wat jou sal help om die lewe en God se liefde in oorvloed te ervaar. Nina bespreek verskeie eienskappe wat deel van ’n gelowige se lewe behoort uit te maak. Hierdie dagstukkies sal jou bemoedig, krag gee vir die dag wat voorlê en aanspoor om die vreugde van Christenwees te beleef. Ervaar saam met haar 365 dae van God se onbegrensde liefde.


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