• Entertainment MF UK

    R199.90 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    From the Bentley Boys to Lando Norris and from Lotus grand prix cars to Jaguar Formula E machines, MotorSport celebrates the best of British in this unique special issue which is timed to coincide with the magazine’s 100th anniversary year. The special issue will feature the best homegrown content from the magazine’s vast and unrivalled archive and include tracks tests, interviews with key drivers and race reports all brought to live with fantastic photography.
  • Disney Crochet Issue 28

    R99.90 (incl VAT)
    Learn to crochet with the Disney Crochet collection! Week by week you'll develop your skills and work on squares for this beautiful, unique Disney throw to treasure forever. Featuring lots of characters you know and love, this collection will bring some Disney magic into your life!
  • Disney Crochet Issue 27

    R99.90 (incl VAT)
    Learn to crochet with the Disney Crochet collection! Week by week you'll develop your skills and work on squares for this beautiful, unique Disney throw to treasure forever. Featuring lots of characters you know and love, this collection will bring some Disney magic into your life!
  • I-D (Sea) UK (Back Issue)

    R269.90 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    i-D is a cutting-edge fashion, art, music, and youth culture magazine that started on the street and has retained its authenticity throughout its illustrious career. It’s a training ground for up-and-coming photography talent, and is contemporary and trendy.
  • Disney Crochet Issue 26

    R99.90 (incl VAT)
    Learn to crochet with the Disney Crochet collection! Week by week you'll develop your skills and work on squares for this beautiful, unique Disney throw to treasure forever. Featuring lots of characters you know and love, this collection will bring some Disney magic into your life!
  • Disney Crochet Issue 25

    R99.90 (incl VAT)
    Learn to crochet with the Disney Crochet collection! Week by week you'll develop your skills and work on squares for this beautiful, unique Disney throw to treasure forever. Featuring lots of characters you know and love, this collection will bring some Disney magic into your life!
  • The Escapist UK

    R389.90 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    Monocle’s reimagined travel annual The Escapist is back. In our optimistic take on the world of travel and hospitality, we visit Brazil’s unspoiled Costa Verde, a pretty corner of Provence where a new crop of hoteliers is setting up shop and a smart new opening that captures the buoyant mood in
  • Health & Wellness MF UK

    R199.90 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    This Success Guide teaches readers how to reach a long and pain-free life by freeing themselves from inflammation once and for all.
  • Puzzler Q Pocket Wordsearch Co UK

    R134.00 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    A quality collection of concise wordsearches all wrapped up in a handy pocket size. The straight clues are definitions, synonyms or general knowledge – covering a wide range of subjects, but never obscure.
  • Disney Crochet Issue 24

    R99.90 (incl VAT)
    Learn to crochet with the Disney Crochet collection! Week by week you'll develop your skills and work on squares for this beautiful, unique Disney throw to treasure forever. Featuring lots of characters you know and love, this collection will bring some Disney magic into your life!
  • Disney Crochet Issue 23

    R99.90 (incl VAT)
    Learn to crochet with the Disney Crochet collection! Week by week you'll develop your skills and work on squares for this beautiful, unique Disney throw to treasure forever. Featuring lots of characters you know and love, this collection will bring some Disney magic into your life!
  • Disney Crochet Issue 22

    R99.90 (incl VAT)
    Learn to crochet with the Disney Crochet collection! Week by week you'll develop your skills and work on squares for this beautiful, unique Disney throw to treasure forever. Featuring lots of characters you know and love, this collection will bring some Disney magic into your life!
  • Entrepreneur USA

    R234.00 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    Focusing significantly on small business entrepreneurs, Entrepreneur Magazine gives valuable advice on starting up a business, managing it in all phases, and other critical aspects of successfully running a company.
  • Disney Crochet Issue 21

    R99.90 (incl VAT)
    Learn to crochet with the Disney Crochet collection! Week by week you'll develop your skills and work on squares for this beautiful, unique Disney throw to treasure forever. Featuring lots of characters you know and love, this collection will bring some Disney magic into your life!
  • Disney Crochet Issue 20

    R99.90 (incl VAT)
    Learn to crochet with the Disney Crochet collection! Week by week you'll develop your skills and work on squares for this beautiful, unique Disney throw to treasure forever. Featuring lots of characters you know and love, this collection will bring some Disney magic into your life!
  • Go Jetters UK

    R199.90 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    A magazine based on the very popular Cbeebies childrens TV show. Readers can hop along for the adventures of the Go Jetters while they learn, and discover more about the world. Go Jetters makes reading and learning fun. Each issue is packed full of surprises, such as sticker packs and bespoke gifts. Come aboard!
  • Disney Crochet Issue 19

    R99.90 (incl VAT)
    Learn to crochet with the Disney Crochet collection! Week by week you'll develop your skills and work on squares for this beautiful, unique Disney throw to treasure forever. Featuring lots of characters you know and love, this collection will bring some Disney magic into your life!
  • Yacht Design Italy

    R629.90 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    Yacht Design was re-born from the experience gained by Boat Show Television as a leader in the production of content dedicated to international boating. An experience that has led The Boat Show to be a domestic and international point of reference on all major Video Broadcast, OTT and Social channels.
  • Vogue France Collections

    R749.90 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    This is a chunky, twice yearly collection of fashion show / designer reviews from that knowledgeable lot at Vogue. This magazine is from France, and in French although it’s much less about the written word than it is thousands of fashion images from catwalks around the world. If you are looking for inspiration and need to keep up to date with what is happening at the fashion shows that count, Vogue Collections magazine really is the ultimate reference publication. Vogue Collections is one to collect for anyone in the industry.
  • Disney Crochet Issue 18

    R99.90 (incl VAT)
    Learn to crochet with the Disney Crochet collection! Week by week you'll develop your skills and work on squares for this beautiful, unique Disney throw to treasure forever. Featuring lots of characters you know and love, this collection will bring some Disney magic into your life!
  • Kruger Magazine (Back Issue)

    R85.00 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    The Kruger Magazine is for readers with a passion for the wildlife in and around Africa's Greater Kruger - a celebration of  Africa's wildlife.
  • Die tweede, hersiene uitgawe van Genesing vir Trauma is ’n diepgaande, omvattende handleiding wat steun op dekade lange eerstehandse ervaring in berading. Die tweede uitgawe is nie net volledig opgedateer en bygewerk nie, maar bevat ook nuwe hoofstukke, soos die hoofstuk oor die impak van Covid-19. Beide beraders en slagoffers sal kan baat vind by die verstaanbare, relevante inhoud propvol algemene wysheid en geestelike begeleiding. Elke hoofstuk bevat waardevolle riglyne oor hoe om mense wat 'n spesifieke vorm van trauma beleef het by te staan, en wel binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks.
  • Key selling points: • Author is an experienced and internationally acclaimed counsellor and trainer • New edition has been fully updated and revised • Current and relevant subject matter with a message of hope • Content is presented in an accessible and practical way • Highly recommended by trauma counsellors • 152 x 228 mm, paperback
  • Trevor carefully explains the meaning of each part of the prayer and its application to our lives. Chapters include: Learning to live one day at a time, Surrendering to God’s will, Accepting hardships, and Changing the things we can. A Prayer for Serenity: Live One Day at a Time will help you develop those attitudes that will enable you to find peace even in difficult circumstances.
  • Are you open to re-imagining your relationship with God as a friendship? Do you want to be transformed into the person God wants you to be? Friendship with God transforms us. As we learn to trust God as our Divine Friend, it has a transforming effect on our whole lives. It affects how we pray, our relationships with each other and the way we understand our everyday lives. Our friendship with God creates the climate in which you and I become the people God wants us to be.
  • Finding the Power to Live One Day at a Time draws on the Twelve Step programme developed by Alcoholics Anonymous. It has been written for people who: • struggle with worry and anxiety; • struggle with some form of compulsive and addictive behavior; • feel trapped by feelings of guilt and regret and self-condemnation; • battle with increasing levels of stress and tension; or • may worship on a regular basis but somehow feel that their faith has become bogged down in empty ritual.
  • We all long to know God’s personal will for our lives. While we know God’s general guidance for our lives, we also want to discover how God is specifically calling us. Discovering God’s Will for Your Life finds its starting point in the astonishing good news that God calls each one by name. It explores how this personal calling relates both to what God wants us to do and who God wants us to become.
  • We live helter-skelter lives; each day we are pulled here and there by circumstances, both good and bad. We feel as if we are living at the mercy of events beyond our control. We long for peace, for a safe, serene and secure place where we can be at rest. In response to this search for peace, beloved author and minister Trevor Hudson reminds readers of the Serenity Prayer—a simple prayer that most of us know by heart: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.This 365-day devotional carefully unpacks the meaning of each part of the prayer and how to apply it to our lives. As we let the Serenity Prayer show us how to live each day in friendship with our Lord and Creator, God’s gift of peace will grow and fill us to overflowing. Seeking Serenity—a practical suggestion at the end of each day’s devotion—will also help the reader put this prayer into practice, and begin to develop the clear life-focus that brings the peace our hearts long for.
  • God passionately longs to be your friend and invites you with an outstretched hand to a life grounded in Divine Friendship. In Daily Invitations: To A Life Grounded In Divine Friendship, a 366-day devotional, you will be guided daily to accept this invitation through: • Scripture • Reflection • Prayer However, this newly friendship does not remove you from everyday life. Another feature, the daily practice, will ensure that your friendship with God is grounded in ordinary life - where you struggle at work, you are having health problems, when your relationships are not working out. On taking his outstretched hand into yours, you will discover that you are not alone, and will never be. In fact, you will realise that nothing can separate you from his Divine Friendship.
  • Hierdie 365 oordenkings verken elke aspek van hierdie gebed en hoe jy dit daagliks op jou lewe kan toepas. Namate jy die Gebed om kalmte gebruik as gids om elke dag in vriendskap met jou Here en Skepper te lewe, sal God se geskenk van vrede jou lewe vul en deur jou vloei waar jy jou ook al bevind. Elke oordenking word afgesluit met ’n praktiese voorstel hoe jy hierdie gebed elke dag kan uitleef. Só sal jou lewe ál meer op God gefokus word, en sal jy die innerlike vrede ervaar waarna jou hart smag.
  • When it feels as if your days are filled with challenges and you wonder how you will rise above your circumstances, Nina Smit offers renewed hope through short devotions that will remind you that you can always depend on the Lord. He is the One who will lift you up, inspire you and give you hope for the future. No matter what you are facing as a mom, wife, grandmother or businesswoman, with the Lord you will always have hope. You can always trust Him to help you overcome the obstacles in your path. Take a few moments at the start or end of your day to quieten your heart and reconnect with the Lord's. Perfect for quiet time, or any time for that matter, You Can Trust God: 90 Reflections of Hope, Large Print is the perfect pick-me-up to remind you God's unending love and faithfulness.
  • Oorvloedige liefde – Grootdruk bevat 365 dagstukkies deur die immergewilde Nina Smit wat jou sal help om die lewe en God se liefde in oorvloed te ervaar. Nina bespreek verskeie eienskappe wat deel van ’n gelowige se lewe behoort uit te maak. Hierdie dagstukkies sal jou bemoedig, krag gee vir die dag wat voorlê en aanspoor om die vreugde van Christenwees te beleef. Ervaar saam met haar 365 dae van God se onbegrensde liefde.
  • Die Vrugte van die Gees is ’n kinderboek wat gebaseer is op die vrugte van die Gees in Galasiërs 5:22–23 in die Bybel: “Maar die vrug wat die Gees voortbring, is: liefde, vreugde, vrede, geduld, vriendelikheid, goedheid, getrouheid, sagmoedigheid en selfbeheersing”. Hierdie reeks bestaan uit drie boeke wat elkeen drie spesifieke vrugte van die Gees weergee. Elke boek bevat ’n storie, Bybelstorie, Bybelles, gebed, Bybelvers en ’n praktiese uitdaging vir elke spesifieke vrug in die boek. Al die boeke is helder en kleurvol gedruk.
  • Vrugte van die GeesGoedheid, Sagmoedigheid en Selfbeheersing is die derde en finale boek in ’n splinternuwe reeks kinderboeke wat gebaseer is op die vrug van die Gees in Galasiërs 5:22–23 in die Bybel: “Maar die vrug wat die Gees voortbring, is: liefde, vreugde, vrede, geduld, vriendelikheid, goedheid, getrouheid, sagmoedigheid en selfbeheersing”. Hierdie reeks bestaan uit drie boeke wat elkeen drie spesifieke vrugte van die Gees weergee. Elke boek bevat ’n storie, Bybelstorie, Bybelles, gebed, Bybelvers en ’n praktiese uitdaging vir elke spesifieke vrug in die boek. Al die boeke is helder en kleurvol gedruk.
  • The Fruits of the Spirit is a children’s book series based on the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22–23 in the Bible: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control”. This series is made up of three books, each depicting three specific fruits of the Spirit. Each book contains a story, Bible story, Bible lesson, prayer, Bible verse and a practical application challenge for each specific fruit in the book. All the books are bold and bright.
  • Fruits of the Spirit: Goodness, Gentleness and Self-control is the third and final book in a brand-new series of children’s books based on the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22–23 in the Bible: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control”. This series is made up of three books, each depicting three specific fruits of the Spirit. Each book contains a story, Bible story, Bible lesson, prayer, Bible verse and a practical application challenge for each specific fruit in the book. All the books are bold and bright.
  • Die Vrugte van die Gees is ’n kinderboek wat gebaseer is op die vrugte van die Gees in Galasiërs 5:22–23 in die Bybel: “Maar die vrug wat die Gees voortbring, is: liefde, vreugde, vrede, geduld, vriendelikheid, goedheid, getrouheid, sagmoedigheid en selfbeheersing”. Hierdie reeks bestaan uit drie boeke wat elkeen drie spesifieke vrugte van die Gees weergee. Elke boek bevat ’n storie, Bybelstorie, Bybelles, gebed, Bybelvers en ’n praktiese uitdaging vir elke spesifieke vrug in die boek. Al die boeke is helder en kleurvol gedruk.
  • The Fruits of the Spirit is a children’s book series based on the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22–23 in the Bible: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control”. This series is made up of three books, each depicting three specific fruits of the Spirit. Each book contains a story, Bible story, Bible lesson, prayer, Bible verse and a practical application challenge for each specific fruit in the book. All the books are bold and bright.
  • The most fundamental flaw in society is fatherlessness. It is time to delve into the roots of this problem in ourselves and in our communities. It is time to recognize the impact of father wounds in our own lives. Some of those wounds have created hell on earth, not heaven. It is time to seriously take up the responsibility of fatherhood so that the sins of our fathers will not continue to destroy God’s marvelous intention for our lives. It is the time to recognize how a world suffers when Father God is not taken seriously and when His ways are not transferred by His image bearers.
  • Big Guide To Yoga UK

    R199.90 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    Bonnier brings you a new magazine ‘The Big Guide to Yoga’. This special issue teaches readers how to boost energy levels, gain inner peace, how to sleep well, how to get a stronger and well toned fresh-looking body.
  • Disney Crochet Issue 17

    R99.90 (incl VAT)
    Learn to crochet with the Disney Crochet collection! Week by week you'll develop your skills and work on squares for this beautiful, unique Disney throw to treasure forever. Featuring lots of characters you know and love, this collection will bring some Disney magic into your life!
  • GQ South Africa (Asa)

    R70.00 (incl VAT)
    GQ South Africa is the first and last word on men's style. With access to some of the world's top photographers and writers, GQ offers professional men content that is entertaining and enlightening. Whether it's fashion, tech, business, Hollywood or investigative journalism, GQ covers it all with intelligence and imagination.
  • GQ South Africa is the first and last word on men's style. With access to some of the world's top photographers and writers, GQ offers professional men content that is entertaining and enlightening. Whether it's fashion, tech, business, Hollywood or investigative journalism, GQ covers it all with intelligence and imagination.
  • Disney Crochet Issue 16

    R99.90 (incl VAT)
    Learn to crochet with the Disney Crochet collection! Week by week you'll develop your skills and work on squares for this beautiful, unique Disney throw to treasure forever. Featuring lots of characters you know and love, this collection will bring some Disney magic into your life!
  • Delivery time 5-7 working days Die Verklarende Studiebybel is ’n omvattende Studiebybel gebaseer op die 1933/1953-vertaling van die Bybel in Afrikaans. Twee vooraanstaande teoloë het die verklarende notas, temas, tekskritiese inligting en inleidings tot die Bybelboeke redaksioneel versorg om te verseker dat dié inligting die Bybel getrou ontsluit en in ooreenstemming is met die nuutste Bybelkundige insigte.
  • Delivery time 5-7 working days Die Verklarende Studiebybel is ’n omvattende Studiebybel gebaseer op die 1933/1953-vertaling van die Bybel in Afrikaans. Twee vooraanstaande teoloë het die verklarende notas, temas, tekskritiese inligting en inleidings tot die Bybelboeke redaksioneel versorg om te verseker dat dié inligting die Bybel getrou ontsluit en in ooreenstemming is met die nuutste Bybelkundige insigte.
  • Delivery time 5-7 working days Die Verklarende Studiebybel is ’n omvattende Studiebybel gebaseer op die 1933/1953-vertaling van die Bybel in Afrikaans. Twee vooraanstaande teoloë het die verklarende notas, temas, tekskritiese inligting en inleidings tot die Bybelboeke redaksioneel versorg om te verseker dat dié inligting die Bybel getrou ontsluit en in ooreenstemming is met die nuutste Bybelkundige insigte.
  • Delivery time 5-7 working days Die Verklarende Studiebybel is ’n omvattende Studiebybel gebaseer op die 1933/1953-vertaling van die Bybel in Afrikaans. Twee vooraanstaande teoloë het die verklarende notas, temas, tekskritiese inligting en inleidings tot die Bybelboeke redaksioneel versorg om te verseker dat dié inligting die Bybel getrou ontsluit en in ooreenstemming is met die nuutste Bybelkundige insigte.


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