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  • Chinafrica

    R30.00 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    ChinAfrica, launched in January 1988, is China's only monthly magazine featuring news, views and analysis, and targeting an African audience as well as high-end international readers interested in China-Africa relations.
  • Fast Company SA

    R39.90 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    Fast Company inspires a new breed of innovative and creative thought leaders who are actively inventing the future of business.
  • African Business UK

    R49.00 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    African Business was first published in January 1982. The monthly magazine covers business events across Africa. Special reports discuss specific sectors and industries.
  • New African UK

    R49.00 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    New African is an English-language monthly news magazine based in London. Published since 1966, it is read by many people across the African continent and the African diaspora.
  • African Banker UK

    R49.00 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    African Banker is dedicated to banking and finance in Africa. We provide the necessary support to companies / individuals participating in an industry that is reshaping the future of Africa's economy.
  • Brainstorm

    R50.00 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    Brainstorm is a monthly magazine for decision-makers and other intelligent people. Brainstorm offers content on burning business issues that is fresh, controversial, independent and valuable.
  • African Decisions

    R54.90 (incl VAT)
    Engineering News & Mining Weekly
  • To Build

    R55.00 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    The publication focuses on the latest developments, trends and industry news.
  • Plus50

    R58.00 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    Plus 50 is a national magazine aimed at the seniors market of South Africa.
  • JSE

    R59.90 (incl VAT)
    JSE is bold, authorative, intelligent, and sophisticated. Our editorial is topical and focuses on developments in finance, business and executive lifestyle. JSE will verse you in what business etiquette to adopt when in foreign countries, how to invest, and where to shop.
  • All the news from the Daily & Sunday Express wrapped up in one weekly edition. The International Express is available wherever you are in the World.
  • All the news from the Daily & Sunday Express wrapped up in one weekly edition. The International Express is available wherever you are in the World.
  • All the news from the Daily & Sunday Express wrapped up in one weekly edition. The International Express is available wherever you are in the World.
  • The Africa Report UK

    R75.00 (incl VAT)
    The Africa Report is one of the leading news organizations on the continent. We are known for our impartial, authoritative stance.
  • South African Business Integrator serves as an enabling platform to strengthen engagement and unlock opportunities for businesses through information sharing, education and thought leadership content from key industry leaders pertaining to development, business objectives, strategic decision-making and good management.
  • SA Building Review

    R95.00 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    SA Building Review is a national annual resource handbook with its central focus on the identity of building products and services within the build environment of South Africa. It allows the supplier and manufacturer the opportunity to be identified and exposed in a more detailed and comprehensive manner to the building, architectural and design industry.    


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