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  • Chinafrica

    R30.00 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    ChinAfrica, launched in January 1988, is China's only monthly magazine featuring news, views and analysis, and targeting an African audience as well as high-end international readers interested in China-Africa relations.
  • Chat UK

    R39.00 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    Chat reaches out to touch the reader through heart-stopping moments.
  • Speed & Sound

    R47.50 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    Speed & Sound is a national English magazine distributed in South Africa
  • Pick Me Up UK

    R49.00 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    Pick Me Up! stimulates the modern real-life reader with a rip-roaring range of fun, fascinating and thought-provoking stories which feed her curiosity and hunger to know more. It hits the sweet spot for value-hunting, brighter women.
  • New African UK

    R49.00 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    New African is an English-language monthly news magazine based in London. Published since 1966, it is read by many people across the African continent and the African diaspora.
  • SA Bass

    R49.50 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    SA BASS is a specialist publication, providing authoritative editorial exclusively on bass angling and related subjects such as boats, conservation and outdoor recreation vehicles. Articles are compiled by its own staff backed by a team of experienced bass anglers appointed as SA Bass Field Representatives throughout the country and overseas.
  • Womans Weekly UK

    R49.90 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    Woman’s Weekly is packed with inspiring ideas
  • Sudoku Grand Masters UK

    R49.90 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    For the true sudoku devotee there can be no other magazine. Sudoku Grand Masters is designed for the real expert and each issue starts at the intermediate level progressing to the devilishly difficult Expert Level 2. Grand Masters is sudoku in its purest form and features only 9x9 grids.
  • Everyday Wordsearches UK

    R49.90 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    Every issue contains themed wordsearches, so there is a common thread to each individual challenge. With 120 puzzles and full colour text pages it is a benchmark for quality in wordsearch magazines.
  • Everyday Puzzle UK

    R49.90 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    If you like variety in your puzzling, then Everyday Puzzles is the magazine for you. With over 160 puzzles ranging from: arrow-words, crosswords, wordsearches, code-words and more there is always something to take your fancy, whatever your mood.
  • 200 Pocket Wordsearches UK

    R49.90 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    A handy pocket sized edition of 200 popular wordsearches. You’ll be glad it’s pocket-sized as you’ll want to keep it with you until it is completed.
  • Sudoku Variations UK

    R49.90 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    Sudoku variations has 200 puzzles ranging from standard sudoku to a huge samurai version and a sudoku 8X8 to name just a few. Cash prize competition included.
  • Womans Own UK

    R54.00 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    Woman's Own celebrates 40 plus women who value their family and friends and are passionate about getting the best out of life
  • Compleat Golfer

    R54.90 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    Compleat Golfer is a South African specialist magazine published by golfers for golfers covering all facets of the game. Our purpose is to inform, educate, entertain and at the same time grow the game of golf.
  • To Build

    R55.00 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    The publication focuses on the latest developments, trends and industry news.
  • Plus50

    R58.00 (incl VAT) available on subscription
    Plus 50 is a national magazine aimed at the seniors market of South Africa.


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